Terms & Conditions
- Voucher is valid until 31 January 2025
- Guests are required to confirm their reservation with restaurant staff no less than 24 hours before dining
- Outdoor Access Restrictions: Children under the age of eight and baby strollers are not allowed to enter the Observation Deck. Children must be supervised by adults
- Vouchers require a one-day advance reservation
- Voucher is valid for dine-in only
- This voucher cannot be redeemed for cash or used in conjunction with other promotional offers
- Advanced reservations are required and the usage of voucher must be indicated upon reservation. Offer is subject to availability
- Each transaction will provide one redemption code. If you need to use the redemption code separately, please purchase it through a new order
- Voucher will be scanned upon bill settlement. The voucher is for a single transaction only, and unconsumed value will not be refunded
- The hotel will not re-issue vouchers or redemption code in case of loss or damage
- The fireworks display and exact time will be subject to HKSAR Government’s latest announcements and arrangements
- In case of dispute, the decision of Marco Polo Hotels – Hong Kong shall be final
Cucina: 6/F, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, 3 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon / T: +852 2113 0808 / E: info@cucinahk.com
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